MBTA Police association

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Longevity and C Rate Issue

Brothers and Sisters,

The March 9, 2019 pay checks posted today in the Mass Payroll system. As many of you know, the Longevity and C rate have not been adjusted. The E Board anticipated this, as the compiled list of affected members and official letter from counsel was not received by Labor Relations until mid to late last week. We have received no official word to pass concerning a resolution date in which the rates will change in the checks. However, The E-Board is working on it and the T is aware of the issue. As soon as we have an update we will pass it to the membership.

It is our understanding the C rate monies owed will be payed to us retroactively from the date of the MOU ratification (December 4, 2018) to the date the C rate adjusts. In other words, you will receive the difference between the old and new Detail rate ($10 per hour), for every hour worked between December 4, 2018 to the date they adjust the rate. That money will then be paid retroactively to you and will be included with the retro checks. This is subject to change, but is the latest info we have on the issue. If you have any questions please contact an E-Board member or send an email to Eboard@MBTAPA.com


The E-Board