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Wage Charts

Brothers and Sisters,

It has come to our attention that members are concerned over materials distributed by the E-Board concerning the new contract and subsequent wages. We want to clarify that those numbers provided are not from the Authority and are essentially an estimate of what the wage change will look like once it takes effect. We wanted everyone to have a general idea of how this agreement will impact their current salary and provided these estimated charts to give an idea of what that would be. The Authority, who is ultimately responsible for providing this information, has not given us any wage change data and we therefore wanted to provide you with something prior to the meeting.

It’s important to remember that ultimately what you are voting on is not the information in the wage charts, but the percentages held within the Memorandum Of Understanding (contract agreement). That is what we will be voting to accept on Thursday and in no way will we be bound to the data in those wage charts. What we will be bound to is the percentage increases found in Section 2. Wage Increase and Section 3. Equity Pool/Longevity that can be found on the first page of the document titled “2023-2027 MOU”.

If there are any further questions or concerns over this, please reach out to an E-Board member to express them. Otherwise we look forward to seeing you all at the meeting.


The Executive Board

Matthew Donovan
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