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- Representing the patrol officers of the MBTA Transit Police -

News and Updates

Meeting 8/11/22

Brothers and Sisters,

The E-Board has scheduled a meeting of the membership to ratify the successor agreement to our CBA. The meeting will be held on Thursday August 11th.

 In an attempt to ensure all members can attend, we will host three sessions throughout the day, first at 8:00am, then at 2:00pm, and lastly at 4:00pm. All three will be held in the guard room located on the first floor of the headquarters building (240 Southampton Street). Our economist, Tom Roth, will be present for the meetings. We look forward to seeing you all there.


The E-Board

Matthew Donovan
Successor Agreement

Brothers and Sisters,

After several mediation sessions, the E-Board has come to an agreement with the MBTA’s Labor Relations team for a successor agreement to our CBA. Attached is the terms of the agreement. We are actively trying to coordinate a date for a ratification meeting in which we can have our attorney and our expert economist both attend, in an attempt to help answer any and all questions you may have about the agreement. In the mean time, please feel free to reach out to an E-Board member with any questions you have on the terms. As soon as we have a date for a meeting we will post it for you all.


The E-Board

Matthew Donovan
POST Questionnaire and Mediation

Brothers and Sisters, 

As you are all aware the Administration has sent out an email requiring our members to answer questions in order to be certified by the newly established POST Commission. Each member must answer these questions completely and honestly in order to be certified in the time the Administration has allotted. The Association’s Attorney (Dave Condon) can assist any member with any questions or problems they may have while answering the required questions. He can be reached on his cell at 617-953-9179. He will assist with questions you may have as he gets them, and will get back to you if he can’t immediately answer. 

As many of you know we are in the process of negotiating a successor collective bargaining agreement and have been participating in the mediation process in an attempt to resolve the contract by third party. We have so far participated in two sessions and have not been able to come to an agreement with labor relations. We know many of you are eager to know the specifics and would like this matter resolved in a timely fashion. We ask that you please remain patient while the E-Board continues to negotiate and finish this process. We will update you all as either mediation has resolved the contract or if it’s time to move on to arbitration. 


The E-Board

Matthew Donovan
Executive Order No. 595 (Mandatory Covid Vaccination)

Brothers and Sisters,

Please be advised that we have contacted labor-management representatives from the MBTA and demanded a meeting to negotiate the impact of the governors COVID-19 vaccination mandate.It is our position that unilateral enforcement of the vaccination mandate without negotiation is in violation of both Massachusetts General laws chapter 161A and 150E. 

We will advise you of any further developments as they arise. 


The E-Board

Matthew Donovan

Brothers and Sisters,

As you all the know the Federal Government passed legislation making Juneteenth a Federal Holiday. We have been informed by labor relations that all members of our association will receive holiday pay for Juneteenth. 

The Executive board has actively been engaged in negotiations with labor relations for a successor agreement to our Collective Bargaining Agreement. We have participated in two negotiation meetings so far in the past month, with another scheduled for this coming week, as well as two more tentative dates for the remainder of the summer. As you are aware we are not at liberty to discuss the content of these talks, however we will notify the members of the Association when any progress is made towards an agreement. 


The E-Board

Matthew Donovan

Brothers and Sisters 

Last weekend the Massachusetts House of Representatives had voted 93-66 in favor of S.2080. The next step in the legislative process is for the bill to go to Conference  Committee, which will be comprised of three Senators and three House Reps, to work out the differences between the two versions of the bill. 

Senate Conferees have been named for the POST conference committee. They are: Sens. William Brownsberger, Sonia Chang-Diaz and Bruce Tarr. 

House Conferees-Reps: Claire Cronin, Black and Latino Legislative Caucus Chair Carlos Gonzalez, and Rep. Timothy Whelan.

Although the legislative session was scheduled to end on July 31st, citing COVID-19 delays and pending important legislation, the law makers have voted in favor of extending this years session, meaning that although the deadline of July 31 has passed, the bill is very much still in the process. The following was sent to our Association by the Legislative Coalition, which was referenced in our last email. 

“We urge the committee to report a bill that recognizes the core principles of reform developed and endorsed by the Governor, the Black and Latino Caucus and the Massachusetts Law Enforcement Policy Group. Those principles provide for uniform statewide standards and training protocols for law enforcement which are the following:

Banning teaching and usage of choke holds- (unless life or death situation)

Banning Discharges at moving vehicles- (unless life or death situation)

Department Accreditation and Officer certification 

Standard training and procedures

Uniform guidelines on Use of Force

Excessive Force 

Duty to Intervene by officers on other uses of force

Equal representation for LE on Commission to certify and de-certify police officers (after current due process has run its course completely)

On the issue of Qualified Immunity, we support a study by legal experts before any changes”

We encourage all our members to contact your representatives and discuss the talking points listed in this memo. As always if there is any questions or concerns, please contact an E-Board member.


The E-Board

Matthew Donovan
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